About us

taneční sálTaneční studio Ostrava and Dance studio Ostrava is a dance studio for everyone older than 4 years since we work with children, juvenilles, youth, adults and seniors.
We focus on overall apprehention and development of motion and rythm feeling and sport dancing which consists of latin-american and ballroom dancing.
Moreover we offer other styles such as contemporary modern dancing, group choreografies performed by juvenilles and adults and variety of courses for adults- social dancing, latin-american basics, or Flamenco.

Last but not least also courses dedicated to support the interaction and cooperation between the toddlers and their mothers are provided.

We have been meeting, learning and dancing in Poruba for 16 years from Monday to Friday in SVC Martinu.

Let's join us it's worth it.

For more info call 603872168 or see www.danceostrava.cz

We are looking forward to meeting you.


Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Moravskoslezský kraj